Sunday, August 19, 2007


I got a call last night from a friend in Melbourne who's planning a trip to London and Rome in a couple of months time and wanted to see what's the best way to do it. I get so excited about planning travel (even someone else's) that I get all twitchy, so as we were chatting - her job, relationships - I was feverishly pricing up various combinations of airfares, working out shadow prices for frequent flier points and trying to work out what were her critical dates. I so get off on this, my ex always thought I could have been a travel agent if the whole international finance thing hadn't got in the way. In some ways it was more fun before the internet, when research was quite a bit trickier. I remember once having an argument with a travel agent about whether there was, in fact, a direct flight between Pyongyang and Beijing, but she'd dealt with me before and knew not to jump to conclusions. (It's Air Koryo, and it's most definitely not recommended if you have a scorching hangover. Now there's a tip.)

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