Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I managed to eat some rice yesterday and some bread. And when I slept (which was a lot) I didn't have fast-food nightmares. Instead I had travel nightmares - one where I was on a plane to LA, and just as we were landing when I went to get my blue gymbag from the overhead lockers (although in the dream they were at floor level; also the seats were in rows parallel to the fuselage, so they all face outwards) it wasn't there. It was someone else's and so I didn't have my passport or anything. LAX is bad enough at the best of times but arriving as an undocumented alien would be a nightmate (!??!!). I was aware that it was in fact a dream and I managed to snap out of it, woke up shivering and sweating. Then another travel-related one. I took a train to Bendigo (why? Who knows) and when it stopped for a few minutes somewhere I got off the train to take a photo of it (again, why?) and got stuck. I had, of course, left my gym bag with all my guff in the train. I fell in with some vaguely hippie-ish people who said they'd drive me to Bendigo, but they kept dithering. We stopped to sleep, then to eat, one of the hippyish women hit on me (but it wasn't that sort of dream) and eventually I got completely fed up. I can't remember how it panned out, but I remember the lunch we went to. Lovely hillside spot, picnic tables, lots of people. Everyone was blissed-out but I was seething. As you'd expect, there were railroad tracks next to the picnic tables. I don't think any of this is worth mentioning to Peter tomorrow.

I had congee for lunch - or as we used to call it in Singapore, 'porridge'. My sons spent part of their childhoods in Singapore and have fond memories of (rice) porridge, roti prata, chicken rice... I know it gets pilloried as 'the Winnipeg of the Far East' but it's a lot more interesting than that (I won't elaborate much, but heat and boredom make people do very strange things sometimes) and the food's grrrreat.

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