Monday, August 20, 2007

I was reading Christopher Hitchens' "God's not great" on the train today, and there are an actual joke in it. I'm a big Hitchens fan, and I love the way he writes (his piece on Mother Theresa was fabulous, for example) but the book's a bit disappointing. Anyway, he tells a joke. I expect I'm the only person in the word who hadn't already heard this. Here we go...

A bhuddist says to a hot-dog vendor "Can you make me one with everything?" Well, that's enough for me. But then it goes on. When the vendor gives the bhuddist the hotdog, the bhuddist gives the vendor $20. And then waits. Nothing happens. Finally the bhuddist says "I'm waiting for my change...". and the vendor shakes his head ruefully and says "Change has to come from within.."

On a vaguely-related topic, I went to yoga again last night, for the first time in months. I didn't end up serene and blissful. Just very stiff and sore.

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