Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Crook. And burgers.

I was looking after my kids on the weekend (I have a few of them) and two of them had some gastric virus that's been going around. Great. And now I've got it as well - nausea, aches and pains, extreme tiredness. But luckily, no vomiting or [that's enough detail]. All I had to eat yesterday was 2 weetbix and a banana, and I came home from work at lunchtime and went to bed almost fully clothed (i took my shoes and pants off, that was it). Slept most of the afternoon, and had very strange and vivid dreams, as you often do when you're feverish. One particular dream was that McDonalds were selling a burger called a 'double-pounder', which has, as you'd expect, eight times the meat of a quarter-pounder. This was particularly awful because as I was dreaming up this abomination I was also experiencing waves of nausea. I could visualise it quite clearly, a big stretch quarter-pounder, all greasy too.

It turns out it wasn't just a product of my fevered imagination, I'd read it in that morning's paper. Now, just because it's in the paper doesn't mean it's true - it probably falls into the journalistic category of "too good to check". I was a little disappointed that it was a real thing.

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