Friday, August 10, 2007


I know you all think I'm impossibly glamorous and metropolitan (I've been to the world's northernmost chinese restaurant, I've been on the subway in Pyongyang, I made money from investing in floating hotels etc.) but this afternoon I was on a bitterly cold and windswept farm in Victoria, rounding up sheep on a quadbike. (To clarify: I was on a bike, rounding up sheep. The sheep weren't on quadbikes. Try to stay focused.)

Bizarrely enough, I actually grew up on a sheep farm. But it's so firmly repressed that when I do end up in a rural situation I feel very Elizabeth Bay. My friend Andrew, who owns the farm in question, finds it all very amusing to see me so out of my element. I guess it's all part of my ongoing project to ramp up the bizarricality of my life. And that project's going quite well....

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