Monday, August 6, 2007


The friends who told me their place was only 4 hours from Sydney? I worked out what they meant. It's 4 hours from the very north of Sydney, the greater Sydney metropolitan area. So for them, when they drive into the city, after 4 hours they finally come to the fringes of the city and I guess that's how they measure it. But the problem with Sydney, going north, is that there's no major road. It's the Pacific Highway, and for the first hour you're stuck in traffic, crawling through stripmalls and cursing. I shouldn't be surprised, it took till 2000 to build a proper road to the airport.

But not all was lost. As I was stuck in traffic in some upper north shore suburb (Turramurra? I bought my piano there, now that I think about it) I saw a very arresting sign. I didn't have my damn camera, so you'll have to bear with me. But it said something like "Reward offered: 2 Concrete Helicopters Stolen" then a phone number. For about a tenth of a second I was agreeably amused by this (a concrete helicopter! brilliant!) then I realised that I had in fact seen concrete helicopters in children's playgrounds. So in fact the whole thing was rather tawdry and pathetic. Some bastard had stolen two concrete helicopters out of a playground.

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