Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Hep C - and Pamela

Peter Helliar - a TV comedian, and rather a good one (he's on my second-favorite show, among other things. And no, I certainly don't mean 'Rove') has had to apologise for a joke about Hep C and Pamela Anderson. He was asked what would be the best birthday present for Pamela, given that she has everything. He replied "Hepatitis". Then added "oh wait, she already got that last year".

This was seized upon by Hepatitis Australia, and Peter had to issue an apology. And then do a bit grovelling to boot. This seems unfair... for one thing, it was a very funny line, and while Hep C's not a great experience (I had it - and still have the antibodies to prove it) sometimes if you have a funny line you just have to say it. (If you go back far enough in this blog you'll find something I said to my PA which I knew at the time was at best ill-judged, but was also irrestible.)

For another thing, how does it humiliate or demean people with Hep C? Pamela Anderson's effectively a cariacature anyway, and she really does have Hep C.

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