Sunday, July 22, 2007

Bacardi by night...

Someone sent me one of those tests, "How kinky are you?", and of course I couldn't help myself, I just had to do it. (And no, I'm not telling how I did on it. You don't need to know everything.) All very amusing and whatnot, but what annoyed me (and there's always something, as you've noticed) was that you got an extra point for every tattoo you have.

Hang on... tattoos are subversive? Not in Sydney in 2007 they're not, and they haven't been for a decade at least. I was out of the country, but there must have a been a day when the government rounded everyone up and made them all get tattoos. And I don't mean drunken sailors and armed robbers - no, it's the bankers and lawyers at the gym. All the guys have either a tattooed ring around their upper bicep, or a 'tribal' thingy on their shoulder. (Lachlan Murdoch has the bicep one. But he's a very handsome trillionaire and can do what he wants.) The women have a bird or a flower - why not a skull? - on a shoulder blade, ankle, or the small of the back. The 'tramp stamp', except that it's not even trampy any more. I have some respect for the down-and-outs on Darlinghurst Road. A guy with a spiderweb tattooed on his face - now that's baaad.

Years ago, probably at the start of the tattoo fad, there was a series of Bacardi ads. The one I remember most had a photo of a young woman (a not entirely unattractive young woman, based on what little you could see) shot from the back. She's in party clothes, her back is bare, and she's holding a glass. She has a tattoo in the small of her back. The tagline says "Lawyer by day, Bacardi by night". But that's it in the sad little nutshell, isn't it? She's still a lawyer, the tramp stamp
doesn't somehow unlawyer her.

On a housekeeping note, I think I've fixed the comment thing - see if it works. Please, no potty talk. And please be a little bit fabulous...

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