I'm feeling slightly seedy today, as a result of having had 4 (yes, count 'em, 4!) beers last night with a neighbor of mine. It turns out we have a shared love of music, art, philosophy and a few other things - or, more likely, we were just half-tanked and middle-aged. (No, I'm being too cynical. It turns out we did, in fact, both like a number of very obscure cultural artefacts, and he burned me a CD of Brian Jonestown Massacre songs, and bizarrely enough I'd been telling another friend about BJM earlier that day because she's a big Dandies fan but had never seen DiG.) It reminded me of a time when I actually used to care about music and art very deeply. No, that's a lie, I never cared about art and I remain an absolute philistine when it comes to the visual arts.
Four beers doesn't sound like a lot, but it's the most I've had to drink since August 1998, when the week after my second son was born I went to Cuba. And I had two glasses of red wine on Friday night, which is doubly unusual because I never drink wine, when I had dinner with a charming and attractive young lady (who reads this, so I might say that anyway. But she is. Hello J.)
I didn't do anything silly when I was drunk. No fights with sailors in a bar, no stealing a car and driving to Florida. The best one of those I ever heard was a phone call I had with my friend 'E'. I was at work one day - this was in the mid80s. I picked up the phone, it was E.
Me: "Hello, how are you doing?"
E (sounding a bit awful): "Not so great..."
Me: "Why, what's wrong"
E: "I broke my leg"
Me: "Gee, that's a bummer, how did it happen?"
E: (pause): "Err...I don't know. I just woke up like this"
J, you're becoming quite the drunk. Good to see you've made the effort to get the comment thingy fixed. Why didn't you tell me you never drink wine?? Guess I won't be inviting you to sit by the fire with me, drinking my favourite red, and listening to Pavarotti, any time soon!! J.
On another note...You forgot smart, funny, enegmatic and incredibly sexy.
I meant enigmatic, you can forget smart.
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