Wednesday, July 11, 2007

These boots are made for selling

There are many ways I can tell I'm getting old - my lower back, left hip and butt are giving me grief, for example. But another way is that I'm starting to feel quite disconnected from popular culture, and to the extent that I do encounter it I'm appalled.

At the gym the other day they showed the video of Jessica Simpson doing 'these boots are made for walking'. On the one hand, she really is hot, but on the other hand, she's such a wholesome and gormless woman that the whole song sounds completely wrong - it's like when you hear a talented child vocalist singing 'my way'.

As so often happens (R&B and rap videos have the same effect) instead of feeling agreeably titillated I just feel tawdry for having been marketed to in such a witless way. It is, however, much better with the sound turned off.

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