Tuesday, July 31, 2007

4 back-to-back?

I was reading a review of the new Simpsons movie, and it said that watching the movie was like watching 4 episodes of the TV show back -to-back. They meant this as a bad thing, but to me it sounds pretty good. D'oh! I just hope we get to see (and especially, hear) Snake, my favorite minor character. My number 2 son (who kicked 2 goals playing football on the weekend - AFL that is) can do an excellent impression of Snake. Who, by the way, went to Bennington. As did Donna Tartt, Brett Easton Ellis and the wife of a friend of mine. Not that you asked...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Simpsons movie excellent, saw it on opening day. Side splitting laughter all round...Jx.