Monday, December 3, 2007

That roommate

This morning there were seven baby spiders on my ceiling and one in my bed. Little huntsmans. One the one hand they're small and cute. On the other hand, pretty soon they're going to be big and ugly. I've developed a fairly humane way of getting rid of them when they're on the ceiling: you scare them, they immediately rappel down on lines of spider silk, you grab the spider silk just above the spider and use that throw the blighter out of the window. As I do this I wonder about the huge huntsman in the living room the other day. Their mother? Are spiders like bears, where the mother hangs around the babies and if you get inbetween the mother and the babies, or she perceives you as a threat, you're a goner? (Hence, once of my favorite expressions, used to describe someone - usually a woman - who's insanely angry. "Like a she-bear with young".) But spiders aren't anything like bears, they're arachnids, primitive invertebrates and mercifully not as big.

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