Friday, January 18, 2008


I was accosted in the street yesterday.

A blonde and non-entirely-unattractive woman around 40, one of a group of three, pointed to my chest and said something that I couldn't quite hear, but it was unmistakeably with a strong south african accent. Now, as it happens, I have a bit of a thing for south african accents, especially on blonde women, so my mind was racing. What exactly was she proposing? I asked her to repeat it and she said that the cartoon on my t-shirt was, in fact, her husband's favorite cartoon. On the one hand I was a bit disappointed that she hadn't propositioned me (I know this is unlikely, but I live on hope), on the other hand - as I explained to her - it did mean we had a connection. I told her exactly how to get a t-shirt for her husband. She took a photograph of me and then got on a bus. (I got on the same bus, but not in a stalkerish way.)

Which t-shirt? It's an New Yorker cartoon. A man stands at his desk and he's rifling through his calendar. He's saying to someone on phone "No, Thursday's out. How about never - is never good for you?"

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