Sunday, January 27, 2008


The twins want to see 'Alvin and the Chipmunks'. I suggested they should ask their mother. She told them to ask me. For the last couple of weeks it's been passed around like a ticking parcel in a Belfast pub. There are few things worse than an annoying kids' movie and this one look like it has the lot: unsympathetic main characters, catchphrases, brain-jarring levels of hijinks and activity. I still don't know how I survived 'Chicken Little'.

But yesterday I had a brainwave (which I pretended was actually the boys' idea). I asked my sister and she said yes.


Anonymous said...

If you pick a fairly empty session, you can take in a New Yorker and a head torch. I have done that in kids' movies before. (Not a New Yorker, but the reading material and a head torch.)

Fran Carleton said...

Does your sister read your blog?