Monday, October 15, 2007

Watery laptop

In the course of a very fitful and not-long-enough sleep (I have a bit too much going on at the moment, I'm too excited to sleep) I had a dream where for some reason I was outside by the pool - not sure which pool, or whose, but I was there - carrying my two laptops. The two were both closed, and stacked one upon the other. Both were on. I do in fact have two laptops, and in a crushingly obvious metaphor for my life they serve two different functions. One's the Good one (work stuff, music, photos, garageband), the other's the Bad one (you don't need to know much about that one).

There was a shallow water feature, about 6 inches to a foot deep. I was tired and distracted (even in the dream) and so I put the laptops down, into the water while I was about to do something else. As I did so, I realised that I'd, in fact, put them into water, and that that was definitely not a good thing for a computer. Cursing (thinking of the money, and all the files and stuff on them) I hauled them out.

I started with the Bad laptop first (and I'm trying not to read too much into this) and I prised off the keyboard and shook all the water off it, turned it upside down and shook it. The indicator lights were still on, which was a bit of a surprise.

Err.. and I can't remember what happened then. But there you go. I'm trying this on the Bad laptop, which is a bit unusual for me. Enjoy.

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