Sunday, February 17, 2008


I had a dream last night, one of those especially vivid ones you have when you're catching up on sleep deficit. Part of it involved me being on a bus, very late at night, due to some transportation mixup along the way - being late and having flights cancelled and whatnot is a common theme in my dreams.

I was on this bus, and next to me was a young woman who I'd had a perfunctory chat with earlier in the trip (but dreams being what they are, I didn't dream about having the chat, but I knew that we'd had it). I was sitting in the window seat, worrying about being late, not entirely sure where I was. I turned around to see something inside the bus and I realised that she'd moved her head next to mine and was clearly expecting me to kiss her. I was surprised, but quickly recovered my composure and kissed her. I put my arm around her, she put one leg across mine and we just sat there like that as the bus went along the dark streets of wherever the hell it was. We didn't say anything.

There was more, of course. A strange confrontation with my best friend, a lost child, a very small hotel room. But every so often I'd remember what happened on the bus and I'd remember how right it felt, but also, of course, on a more blokey level marvelling that I'd been able to somehow work some magic on a woman in her 20s. Who looked, now I think about it, like a better-fed version of Justine Henin.

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