Tuesday, January 2, 2007

heard on Dr Phil

I time my visits to the gym so that I can watch Dr Phil while I'm on the treadmill. He had a show just before Xmas, revisiting old stories to see how things had panned out. (I hasten to add that I'm not such a devotee that I'd seen these original shows.) But there was one thing that really stuck in my mind as perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever heard anyone say.

The segment was a follow-up to a story where a father had planted a tracking device in his car (a 'truck', of course) to see exactly how fast his 16yo son was driving. To his horror, he found out that the kid was doing over 100mph routinely. So far so good. The kid said, in his defence, that all of his friends drove like maniacs too. So the crew interviewed a few of his friends, asking them how fast they drive, do they think it's dangerous etc. One kid said something like this (and I apologize for paraphrasing, but I was on the bloody treadmill and couldn't take it down verbatim)...

"i think that when your time's up, your time's up, and it doesn't matter whether you're doing 30mph or 100mph"

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