Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The first morning we were in Hanoi we were at the top of the lake, by the Old Quarter, and we were approached by 4 shy young women, who explained in halting but well-structured english that they were university students, and that as part of a class project they had to approach foreigers in the street and ask them questions. Fair enough, I thought, after a split-second of scepticism. (It's Hanoi, not Bangkok. And even if was a scam I couldn't see how they'd work it, and most of those things rely on people being too polite to say 'no'. I don't have that problem.)

They produced a tape recorder and asked us where we were from, how old the boys were, how long we'd been in Vietnam (about 12 hours at thgat point), what we liked and what we didn't like. It was quite fun, and predictably, I liked the attention. But in case anyone from the Vietnamese government is montoring this, here's my two suggestions for making Vietnam better:

1) stop all the racket
2) get some decent coffee

Other than that, I think it's great here.

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