Wednesday, October 1, 2008

You put what in what?

Another kitchen-related whinge. I was making breakfast this morning for my kids, cooking up porridge (or oatmeal, if you prefer). Number 2 son was having cereal, which he was going to follow up with a bowl of porridge. He takes after me.

The porridge smelled a little strange. I'd noticed this at one point last week, I thought it had smelled a bit fishy; number 2 son differed, he thought it was chicken-y. This happened two days in a row, then I noticed the oatmeal was about a year past its use-by date and I threw it out and bought some new stuff. I appreciate that oatmeal might get stale, but how would it get fishy? A mystery. All was fine for a few days.

Then this morning I went to the supermarket early with number 2 daughter, we'd run out of milk. I sent her to get it while I bought some fruit. I noticed that she'd come back with what was advertised as "kids' milk", which, judging from the label is regular milk that's been boosted with omega-3. I didn't care.

So this morning I noticed a vaguely fishy smell to the porridge as I was cooking it. Then number 2 said his cereal tasted strange. Then I realised. They had put fish-oil in the f&*cking milk.


user garnerda said...

Over the centuries, porridge - described as "Chief of Scotia's food" by poet Rabbie Burns - has been surrounded by myths and customs in Scotland.
Traditionally it should only be stirred in a clockwise direction using the right hand to avoid evoking the devil, while legend dictates that porridge be referred to as "they", and should be eaten standing up.

user garnerda said...

Hmmmm, fancy the left hand invoking the devil.....