Saturday, April 26, 2008


If you don't wash for 4 or 5 days you pretty quickly end up smelling like a homeless person. In some ways this isn't surprising. How do I know this? I had some surgery on Monday and as a result have been trapped in my apartment ever since, and until the tape comes off (69.5 hours from now, Tuesday morning) I can't bathe. It's nasty. I can move about, with some difficultly, and if I'm standing up (as I am now) I can stay standing for quite a while, mostly because I know that if I were to sit or lie down, that would mean that I would, inevitably, have to stand up again at some point, and the business of getting from lying down to standing up takes quite a bit of doing. I need to mentally prepare, I need to think through exactly how I'm going to do it, I need to summon up all my feeble reserves of courage...and then I can stand up, usually with a bit of colorful language involved.

The is some bruising visible above the bandage and we have today moved into autumn colors, a quite striking yellow-y brown.

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