Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Today's NY Times there's a great story about the Rev Ted Haggard that is just stuffed full of interesting tidbits. Even the headline's good "Haggard pronounced 'completely heterosexual'". But there's more. Not just the fact that he claims it was just the once - that apart from that one male prostitute in the motel room he'd never done anything. Not even that he claims that even though he bought meth he didn't actually use it. We already knew that.

What I loved about today's story is that he and his wife (who I expect will keep an especially close eye on him now) are going to live in either Missouri or Iowa, and they are both going to study for masters degrees in psychology. But the key fun fact that the Times didn't put in their story is that the Haggards are going to study online. I don't know why this amuses me so much, it probably shouldn't.

I found it in Slate, which had another gem a while ago. When Haggard emailed the members of his church after the scandal first broke, he said "The accusations ... against me are not all true, but enough of them are true that I have been appropriately and lovingly removed from the ministry". (My italics, of course.)

Isn't that fabulous?

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