Tuesday, August 5, 2008


There was a staggeringly funny article in this morning's SMH (a surprise really), about how you can use teenagers' musical tastes as a useful diagnostic tool for mental illness or various forms of social dysfunction.

Music style......Associated Behavior
Pop................Struggle with sexual identity
Jazz...............Misfits, loners
Rap, Metal.......Unprotected sex, drink-driving
French Rap.......Theft, violence and drug abuse

I especially liked the one about pop. Kylie fans?

Then they found someone who disagreed, and said "The key to understanding any teenager is to treat them with respect by listening to what they have to say, rather than typecasting them according to the type of music they listen to". Which is, of course, sensible, but does also rather take the fun out of it. I'm off to listen to some French Rap, really loud.

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