Sunday, February 3, 2008

Bachelor cuisine

As you no doubt have picked up, I have exquisite taste in food. I'm adventurous and have a finely-wrought palate. But when I'm fending for myself, as I am tonight, it's like the worst parody of bachelor food you can imagine. Here's a sample.

a can of (cooked) lentils
about half a can of spinach
quite a lot of tabasco sauce (or similar)

put it all in a bowl, give it a cursory stir, put in microwave till barely lukewarm. 30 seconds is fine.

Total Preparation time: 2 minutes, if you're quick. Yumminess: 9/10.


T said...

well you sure won't get fat on that ... but still it just does not seem balanced enough. Are you that pressed for time you can't eat at the cafe's nearby ?

Anonymous said...

That's my boy!...What happened to T? You put her off with your love of N.Yoga?

Anonymous said...

P.S Shouldn't I be working on some Capital Gains Tax issues right now? Le Grande procrastinator.

Anonymous said...

That's truly disgusting. And I love lentils and spinach.

Hopefully you will eat something nicer tonight.

Fran Carleton said...

that sounds awful, the ingredients alone are yummy, but combined I'm not sure they would work for me.

My first ever boyfriend had a meal you might like to try.

Campbells Condensed Tomato Soup
Tin of Tuna

8 - 10 minutes to cook pasta, strain, add half a can of the soup, all the tuna, stir and consume.

SleepingMan said...

8 to 10 minutes? You know I have a very short attention span. What was I just saying? D'oh...

Anonymous said...

You are so inpatient! tsk tsk.

You can do the same with fresh udon, that brings the time down to 1-2 minutes, better?

Ohh and a dash or seven of Tabasco adds another 6 seconds.